Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Case Processes

A Case Process is a collection of tasks grouped together to perform a business function such as an automobile repossession. Case processes are assigned to case types to include the business functions necessary to resolve a case.

The Case Process topic includes the following attributes and instructions to assist administrators with creating, copying, editing, and deleting case processes:

Administrators can create new processes and manage existing ones by navigating to the System Management > Collections > Case Processes page.

The Case Process page contains a grid that displays a list of all the case processes configured. This grid contains the following details:

Column Description
Name The name of the case process.
Description Details about the case process.
Last Modified Denotes when the last modification was made to the case process.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification to the case process.

Case Process Attributes

All case processes share common attributes that are defined while creating, copying, or editing a case process.


The general attributes provide basic information about case processes and are located on the general tab.

General attributes are located on the General Tab:

Attribute Description
Name Enter a name for the case process. This is a required field.
Description Provide details about the purpose and use of the case process. The case process description is visible to administrators from the case processes administration page and end users when they browse case processes to add to a case.
Workday Schedule

Specify the default calendar to be used when creating new tasks within the Case process. The workday schedule calendar is used to calculate a task's expected start, completion, and due dates, and is also used to calculate the task Escalate Schedule. See Workday Schedules for more information.

If the workday schedule is changed, the Case process must be saved in order for the new schedule to be used when creating new tasks.

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The tasks attribute is an interactive screen for administrators to build a Case process. There are five task types that can be included in a case process: General, Screen, Execute Code, Workflow, and Execute Rules.

 For more information about the available task types, please see the Case Tasks topic in this guide.

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Case Types

The case types attribute allows administrators to assign a case process to case types. If a case type is assigned to the case process, the process is available to be added to the case by a user with appropriate permissions.

Attribute Description
Available Displays a list of all Case Types configured in System Management > Collections > Case Types. Assign a case type by selecting the desired case type(s) from the Available Case Types list and move them to the Assigned Case Types.
Assigned Displays a list of the Case Types assigned to the case process. Once the case process is saved, it is assigned to the designated Case Types.

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Creating a Case Process

The Create function allows administrators to create new case processes that can be utilized in case types. 

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Copying a Case Process

The Copy function enables administrators to duplicate the structure of an existing Case Process. The existing Case Process can be used as a base for creating a new Case Process.

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Editing a Case Process

The Edit function enables administrators to revisit existing case processes and edit the attributes assigned to them.

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Deleting a Case Process

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